Monday, April 1, 2013

6 months!

So I've decided to mix things up with the way I post Lyla's monthly stats.  I think doing it this way will make looking back at her growth a little more fun.

{Props to Jessica for the idea!}

Who knows, maybe this format will help me actually finish her baby book?

..... Right. Like that'll ever happen!

6 months

Weight: 16lbs 4oz (54%)
Height: 27.25in (94%)
Head: 42.8cm (68%)
**Who is surprised by that height?!

Clothing size

Milestones & Firsts
Eating solids (here) and sitting up unassisted (here)

Sleep habits
Lyla takes two 1-2 hour naps and sometimes a 3rd catnap in the evening.  She goes to bed between at about 8pm, has a dream feed at 10:30, and then sleeps until 8-8:30am.  She is such a good little sleeper!

Favorite Toys
Sophie the Giraffe:  Lyla chews on this thing all day long.  It really is the perfect toy for the teething babies.

Bumbo: We sit her in here and put a bazillion toys all around her and she is entertained for days

Jumperoo: She love love LOVES this thing.  Sometimes she jumps so hard in it I swear she's going to jump right out of the thing!!!

Favorite Words/Sounds

 Jesse and I swear we are raising a child who is part dinosaur.  All she does all day long is make grunting, roaring, or this high pitch squealing sound (And sometimes, somehow, it's all three of those at once!).  It's funny how babies figure out a new sound and then get fixated on it for a few days in row. Then its really ridiculous when it sticks around for weeks.  Her other newest discovery is wheezing.

{So basically we are raising an asthmatic dinosaur}

Favorite Activity 
Sitting in a highchair at restaurants and riding in the cart at the store.  Both a new things for her and she looooooves to people watch.  Girl after my own heart right here.

Favorite Food 
So far she's had (and loved) rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, green beans, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, applesauce, bananas, pears, prunes, and avocado.  This girl LOVES to eat!

Daddy of the Month
While showing me how Lyla could sit up on her own he got distracted and she face planted right on the carpet.

Mommy of the Month
I was the distraction.

Playtime Fun
Peek-a-boo, patty cake, and itsy bitsy spider  
Blowing raspberries on her belly and neck
Ticklish on her neck and thighs

Singing our silly song to her:
I love Lyla
I love Lyla
Lyla Mae
Lyla Mae
Lyla is my baby
My pretty little baby
Lyla Mae
Makes my day

LyLy, Lulu, Lyla Maesies, Tumpkin

Top 5 this month
1) Going to see the sled dogs 

2) Finally putting Lyla in one of my outfits from when I was little.   I love that we have this picture.  It does crack me up that I was so much younger than her when I was wearing it.  What a chunk!

3) How much this girl loves Ernie.  She loves to pull at his ears and will laugh so hard when he is just walking past her.  Sometimes I think she might like him more than us!

4) I've recently discovered how much she loves to sit by the window and look outside.  This is now what she does while mommy or daddy are on the computer

5)  My all time favorite is how Lyla wakes up from her naps now.  She will just lay in her crib blowing raspberries and talking to herself until we go get her.  Then when we finally go in there she squeals with pure joy when she sees us.  It is by far the cutest thing in the whole world and makes your heart fill with so much love you might actually explode.

Lyla is:
Such a happy baby.  She is all smiles all the time and is constantly making noises and moving around.  She is very social and loves to meet new people (and usually wins them over immediately with her sparking eyes and long eyelashes).  I am so happy to have such a great baby!  We couldn't be more blessed and more in love.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I love her little face! And I actually laughed out loud at "so basically we are raising an asthmatic dinosaur"! Baby noises are so fun! :)
