7 months
Clothing size
Both 6 month and 9 month
Milestones & Firsts
Sleep habits
Oh what a month this has been. My ninja napper left the building and we were introduced to a 30 minute napping queen. Thankfully after a few adjustments in her schedule she is back to sleeping like a champ again!
New/Favorite Foods
Not too much has changed in Lyla's diet but we did get one major change in our kitchen
Talk about some speedy baby food making.
It was love at first use.
Not too much has changed in Lyla's diet but we did get one major change in our kitchen
Talk about some speedy baby food making.
It was love at first use.
Favorite Toys
Walker- Lyla's obviously not using this to stroll around the house yet but it is the perfect toy for her to sit in front of. She seriously plays on this for 20 minutes straight.
(Which is an eternity in babyland)
(Which is an eternity in babyland)
Activity Cube- Another hit this month. She loves exploring this thing.
Which makes mommy and daddy happy because we love how adorably cute this toy is!
Blocks- Just spread these out all over the floor and she rolls like crazy after the colors. And when that stops being entertaining she will play with the bag they came in.
Which makes mommy and daddy happy because we love how adorably cute this toy is!
New or Favorite Words/Sounds
Lyla is one strange cookie.
Her newest thing is to make this face while sniffing the air repeatedly.
Lyla is one strange cookie.
Her newest thing is to make this face while sniffing the air repeatedly.
Favorite Activity
Eating mum-mums.
Daddy & Mommy of the Month
Now that the sun doesn't set until like 11pm here in Anchorage we felt like it was time to invest in some blackout curtains for the nursery. But before we found the right ones we made Lyla live like this:
Top 5 this month
2) First time voting
(Okay, just going to voting poll. But we're trying to teach her right!)
3) Napping on her mama.
She will only do this when she's not feeling good so it's a real treat for me
4) Getting her 6 month pictures taken.
Little girl worked that camera
Photos by Narrow Road Productions
(Okay, just going to voting poll. But we're trying to teach her right!)
3) Napping on her mama.
She will only do this when she's not feeling good so it's a real treat for me
4) Getting her 6 month pictures taken.
Little girl worked that camera
Photos by Narrow Road Productions