Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving to my little pumpkin!

We spent the holiday at my in-laws.  
I didn't get many pictures those days but here's what I got....

Hanging out with Papa on Wednesday

And then hanging out with Daddy

Monkey bread I made thanksgiving morning.  Yummmm

Lyla's turkey day outfit

Jesse and his mini-me on Friday


Dispite my million reminders to my husband that we need to take a Thanksgiving picture together it, unfortunately, never happened.

Aw well!

Now it's time to deck the halls!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2 months!

I seriously cannot believe my little baby is two months old already.  Where oh where has time gone??  In some ways it feels like yesterday that I was meeting Lyla for the first time but in so many other ways it feels like she's been in my life forever.  We just recently got our cd of pictures from Lyla's birth and my heart almost breaks every time I look at it.  Lyla has already changed so much that it almost feels like I'm looking at a completely different child.

I'm seriously writing this and becoming so overwhelmed by the thought of how quickly my little pumpkin is changing that I just want to go snatch her up from her crib right now and cuddle with her all night long.  

I have purposely taken moments out of every day to stop and truly cherish Lyla for who she is at that moment. I know that one day I will blink and it'll be her first birthday and I refuse to get to that point and regret not embedding her milestones in my heart.

First piggy tail!

Some of my favorite moments include Lyla's sweet snuggles after she eats. I'll be trying to burp her and all she'll want to do is bury her nose in my neck.  Really I just love snuggling with her in general!

I also love watching the way she tries to suck on her fingers. There's no way to really capture how hilariously cute she is as she has slobber pouring down her chin after she's attempted to stick her knuckle in her mouth. 

I love the noises she makes as she sucks on her binkers. Especially when she's mad about getting a diaper change or when she is tired of being in her car seat.

She is becoming more alert every day. It is so much fun watching as she explores the world around her.  

By far my favorite parts of the day are those moments when she is smiling at me and talking to me!  Her coos are getting louder and longer and I swear we are almost carrying on mini-conversations.

Don't you want to eat her up?!?!

We went to her 2 month check-up today.  She broke my heart when she cried from getting her shots.  I consider myself pretty lucky for having a baby that is as happy as she is.  But it's made me totally unprepared to hear her cry so hard!!!  Can we just skip shots completely?!?!?!

Lyla's stats
Weight: 10lbs 5oz (25%)
Height: 22.75in (60%)
Head: 39cm (70%)

Clothing size: 3 months

Every good and perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights
James 1:17

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Update on Little Lyla

Last week we took Lyla to get the much-anticipated ultrasound done on her hips.  I was so thankful that it was finally time to start getting some answers and insight on what was going on and what kind of timeline we were looking at.

It really is true that motherhood brings out a whole new side of you.  Since the moment I heard her first cry I have been feeling emotions that I never knew possible.  My love for her is immeasurable and it was breaking my heart to see my itty bitty laying there on that huge bed already going through obstacles in her life.  I just wanted to swoop her up and take her home in that instant.  

mmmm snuggly!

But luckily Lyla didn't care one bit about what was going on around her.  As soon as her bumpkin hit those heated blankets she instantly went to snoozeville.  It was so adorable!  My mood quickly relaxed because of all her smiles and because my sweet sweet husband was being so loving and protectant of her.  (Having a baby also brings out a whole new love you have for your husband too). He's such a great daddy.  Really.

Two days later, on Halloween, we went to see Dr Geitz to hear about the results.

While at the ultrasound a doctor came in and pulled on her legs and said she couldn't feel anything abnormal at all so we went into this appointment being very optimistic about what he would have to say.

Dr Geitz explained to us that your leg should be going into your hip socket at a 60 degree angle.  Lyla's hips are at 56 & 57 degree angles and therefore, she is doing exceptionally well.  

Unfortunately though, since it's not at 60 degrees yet he wants her to continue to wear her brace for 6 more weeks.  We will be getting another ultrasound done in December and hopefully then we will see better results.

We sat in his office for a while as he talked to us more about hip dysplasia and all the scary things it can mean in the future for children (being braced for 2+ years, major hip surgeries, full body cast, etc).  Jesse had to remind me once we got in the car not to get too emotional and freak out just yet because we were just hearing all the worst case scenarios.  The doctor is completely optimistic about her recovery and I think he was just telling us those things just to educate us on this condition and all it can mean (especially since I also had this as a kid and had multiple surgeries because of it).  We just have to continue to trust in God and his plan and trust that if we continue to do what the doctor says we can soon be putting this all behind us.

So, keep praying for our little one!
And we will keep you updated on what we find out next.

In the meantime, take a gander at all these precious little gems of my precious little girl:

What an amazingly amazing little girl she is.  
We are so lucky to have a sweet baby like her.  

I love everything about her
and could watch her all day long.

She is already seven weeks old! 
I can not believe it

Praise God for Lyla Mae!

And I'm ending my long picture series with this shot. 
This is when you know you've gone a little too crazy with the pictures/videos 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I love that Halloween was Lyla's first holiday!

She was way to little to even begin to enjoy it 
but I loved every minute of dressing my little cutie up in her costume.

My little peacock!

I wanted to make something simple that would work with her brace.  
So I figured a little tutu action would be just the ticket.  
And besides, those colors look amazing on her!

I can't wait to take this girl trick-or-treating!

Yesterday morning Lyla had her doctor appointment.  
The receptionist there is so sweet and LOVES when Lyla stops by
So we were sure to make her look nice and festive that morning.


Too bad that outfit didn't last too long.

{Oh that joys of motherhood!}

After her appointment, and outfit change, Lyla and I did a little bit of shopping while we waited for daddy to get out of his appointment.

My shopping buddy

That evening we went over to our friends house for dinner.  
Julia did an amazing job with the decorations 
and inspired me to be a bit more festive with our house next year!

So cute!

I wish I could've got a picture of the other little boy there.  
He's 5 months old and was dressed as a chicken!
They took a white boa and made his body and yellow rubber gloves for feet.


{If Lyla is a chicken next year you know where I got the idea!}

Trick-or-treaters were few and far between but it was still a fun evening.

Lyla all snuggled up on Julia (and meow cat)

One holiday down and more to come!