Wednesday, September 25, 2013

10 Months and 11 Months

Since my baby has already turned a year old I guess I need to finish up this post.  
Thankfully it's been sitting in my drafts or else I would be in big trouble trying to sort this all out!!!

10 Months

Clothing size
9 & some 12 Month

Milestones & Firsts
First (two) teeth
Cruising across furniture
Walking with a walker
Brushing her teeth
Also this month she got her first ear infection.  Poor girl.

Sleep habits
Lyla's schedule is still the same:
Wake, Bottle & Breakfast- 8am
Nap- 10am
Wake, Bottle & lunch- 12pm
Nap- 2pm
Wake & Bottle- 4pm
Dinner- 5:30
Bath/Bedtime routine- 7:15ish
Bed by 8pm

New/Favorite Foods
She still is a great eater but I can say that she L-O-V-E-S bananas and cheese

Favorite Toys
Standing toys and walker

These fun bath toys 

She's also really getting into cause and effect play.
And, of course, throwing things out of her crib/carseat/highchair

New or Favorite Words/Sounds 
Just two weeks ago Lyla said bye-bye, hi, and one time she even repeated (clear as day!) my cousin saying "All done".  That was kinda a crazy moment.

Favorite Activity 
Waving.  She does it NON-STOP.

Top 5 this month
1) Lyla's first Oglebay (our annual family vacation)

2) Trip to the Oglebay Zoo

3) First 4th of July

3) Trip to Newport Aquarium

4) Being a champion on my flights from Alaska to Ohio and back.  Also, surviving the hot Ohio summer!

5) Getting a new carseat

Lyla is:
A big smiley goofball.  Her little personality is just blooming and I am just constantly impressed with how easy-going and happy she is.

11 Months

Clothing size
12 Month and some 18 Month 
*Can you believe that growth?!  She is practically skipping a clothing size!

Milestones & Firsts
Signing "more"
Standing on her own
Using a spoon

Sleep habits
Naps are getting a little unpredictable right now.  I think this is the beginning of her transitioning to one nap.  She is not there yet but it's on its way for sure.

New/Favorite Foods
Lyla is on a little fruit and veggie stike.  If it's not a banana or avocado she wants nothing to do with it.  Thankfully she loves them as purees and now eats from the food pouches herself.

She also (finally!) started liking cheerios.  I think it was putting them in the snack cup that did the trick.  She is so independent.

Favorite Toys
Our little climber loves to play on the fireplace.

She's not very graceful on getting down so we had to add the lovely alphabet foam tiles to our home decor.  Oh the things you swear you'll never do...

Leap frog farm magnent

Mommys wallet

New or Favorite Words/Sounds 

Favorite Activities 
Standing at the baby gate
Taking a bath
Reading books
Helping mommy in the kitchen

Top 5 this month
1) First fingerpainting experience

2) Camping with Nanny and Papa

3) Going to the Sealife center

4) Starting to see more curl in her hair... especially around her ears.  
This is a big deal to me!

5) Spending more time in Kenai with family

Lyla is:
Growing up.  Every day I look at her and she just looks so big.  I'm going to be a mess at her birthday next month that's for sure!

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