Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Our first snow!

It's a winter wonderland here in Anchorage!
It started snowing a little bit on Saturday.  
I had a nice little view of the white dusting from the airplane I was working on.

It continued to snow some through the weekend
but the real fun came on Monday.

It was such a beautiful day.

Jesse was outside shoveling the driveway and Lyla was refusing to nap.
Seemed like a perfect time as any to take her outside for some family fun.

Lyla was in heaven from the moment we stepped outside.
It took her a while to wrap her little head around what in the world the white stuff was and how to move in this big puffy outfit.

But eventually we started seeing some big ol grins!

The grins continued as Jesse sat her in his shovel and started pushing her around.
She couldn't get enough of it!

When we took her out for him to finish working on the driveway she would make her way back over to him and try to climb back in!

So cute.

 Unfortunately I couldn't let her stay outside long because she is battling a little cold.

If there were any doubts about the fun she was having they would've been quickly answered with her poor little cries when I brought her back in the house.

As much as I think it's bonkers how it snows so early up here in Alaska,
I am very excited to share this fun season with my little girl.

Jesse is so excited that he even bought her a sled last night!

Here's to a happy {early} winter!

Now I'm off to tend to my little sicky-sick.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

TWO little pumpkins!

Happy Halloween from our TWO little pumpkins
{The second one will be here at the end of May!!!}

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

What is Fall without the obligatory trip to the pumpkin patch?!

Jesse and I took Lyla out to the Reindeer Farm in Palmer, Alaska last weekend.  I heard great things about this little spot and I was excited to take our little toddler out for a family day of fun.

Lyla was beyond excited to explore all the fun little pumpkins.  

And I was ecstatic over the beautiful view.
I mean seriously, Alaska can really step it up sometimes!

It was a really windy day so we quickly moved on to the other activities to make sure we could enjoy them all before we had a melt down.

There was a bunch of little activties for kiddos to do in the barn (like holding a tiny bunny and play in a big pool of corn!) but by far her favorite thing was getting to talk to the horsies.

She was seriously squeeling with excitment. 
So sweet!

She would've stayed there all day I think but we had to keep putting her back in the stroller and bundle her up with blankets to make sure she stayed warm.  Oh the joys of living up here ;)

One of the last activities we did was jump on the tractor wagon and snuggle up close as we headed over to the hay maze.

I thought this would be a fast little in-and-out activity but ooooooh was I wrong!  We seriously were walking in circles in that thing.  There was a group of us adults that were cracking up over the fact that we were seriously being beat by this "kids game." 

But right about the time I was about to have a mini-anxiety attack my knight in shinning armor found the way out!

I'm so happy we were able to get out, enjoy this amazing season, and make some fun family memories while we were at it :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Midweek Confessions: Slacking Action

I have a confession:
I've taken a vacation.

I wish this vacation involved sunscreen and beach towels
... and maybe a margarita or two...
but, alas, this is not that kind of vacation.

I have taken a vacation from my house.

Oh I'm still here.  

But for the last couple days I have been skating by with 
minimal chores.
minimal effort.
minimal care.

Well... I just feel like it.

Call it me being tired.
me being frustrated with my husband working, going to school and studying all the time.
me still adjusting to going back to work and keeping it all balanced.
me being lazy.

Call it whatever you want but I'm calling it a vacation.
A vacation from MY HOUSE.

And, at times, a quick vacation from being an Ãœber-perfect mom.

This was Lyla this morning.
I wanted to stay snuggled up in bed for 10 more minutes and so I put her in her bouncer in our bedroom to play so I could do so.

She didn't mind one bit.

So there you go. 
That's my life at this moment.

It might be driving my husband nuts but I'm quite content doing what little I'm doing.

.... perhaps I will hate myself this weekend when I'm stuck cleaning this disaster zone.

What about you?  
Ever take a vacation from your house?

Let me know so I can feel a piece of mind!
And don't forget to go check out the other mom's confessions.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Happy Fall

It's beginning to look a lot like fall time...

...Eeeeeverywhere you look.

Okay, okay, cheesy I know.

But how exciting is this time of year?!

I have a pretty sad collection of fall decor but the little bits I do have make my heart smile.

Am I the only one that thinks a string of lights with corny fall leaves on it is super fun?  

But hey, whatever floats your boat right???

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Product Review: Bath time favorite

One of little Lyla's birthday presents was this amazing bath set.  
This was hands-down one of the best gifts for this little girl.

Every single bath since she got it has been an amazing time of play and imagination

I think it's due to the variety of pieces and how many different ways you can play with them.  

She is completely into the whole "cause and effect" play right now and so her favorite is to just constantly is take the pieces in and out of the boat.  

So in my opinion, this little boat set is a win!
And I know it will be a fun toy that she will love for a long time.