Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Years!

Happy New Year!
Okay, I'm a little late on that.

This past year has been a full and busy year for my little family.  We had a second baby, not so gracefully adjusted to life with a busy toddler and a colicy newborn, bought a house, went on a few trips/vacations, and celebrated a 2nd and a 30th birthday (I plead the 5th on whose the later one was). All of this was while my husband was a rockstar at working full time and going to school part-time and I was home with the kiddos surviving on love and coffee.

I thought I would take a second to write down a few of my goals for 2015.  I'm determined for this to be a year of great changes!

1.  Get organized.  Just last night I defeatedly admitted to my huband that I really am just not a good housewife.  I hate hate triple hate having a messy home but that is all I seem to live in.  Part of this is because we recently moved and are still not completely moved in.  It's just an impossible task to conquer with my busy toddler and snuggly (read: kinda clingy but oh-so-sweet) baby.  But three months later there is no longer and excuse and it's time to work on this house and figure out a system to keep it in order!

2.  Eat healthy.  We found out over two years ago that my husband is allergic to pork, chicken and corn.  We have YET to fully embrace a lifestyle that helps him.  We plan on going Paleo and I'm currently reading It Starts With Food but I need to finish it up and get this train a goin'

3. Drink more water.

4. Take time for a daily devotion.  Which probably means I need to start waking up before the girls (gasp!)

5. Practice more with photography.  And take more pictures with my camera and less with my iphone.

6.  Spend more time outside and plan more fun activities for the family.  Walk away from the internet, Rachel.

7. Love my husband more.  Our lives are so busy and it's so busy to not put the extra effort into this relationship.  I need to listen more, serve him more, and just overall find ways to continue to "date" him.

8. Love myself more.  Being home with the girls all the time, I find myself being on mommy mode 24/7.  While this is my most important job right now, and one I want to do the best I can, I am still an individual apart from my children.  I need to be sure to find a balance and find those things that are mine and that I love to do so I can be the best Rachel I can.  And, in turn, be a happier and a better mama and wife.  

9.  Take more pictures WITH my family.  Stop worrying about my hair, make-up, extra baby weight, and spit up on my shirt and just smile and capture the memories when I can.  I know in the years to come I will be thankful I did!

10. Blog more.  I have no plan on being a "blogger" or for anyone to even follow what I post.  But this is a great opportunity for me to capture my life, my projects, and my thoughts and share it with those I love.  I enjoy looking back at the posts I wrote when Lyla was young and hate the void that has happened since then.

So there you have it!  
My big plans for 2015.  

Cheers to a new year!